Out for a Saturday Morning Photo-shoot with a friend

This past Saturday morning, I had the privilege of going (photo) shooting with a photographer friend here in town.  We had planned to go out to Poolville, but ended up finding interesting scenes here.  We went and explored some of the beautiful local countryside near Weatherford.  She showed me some places that I’ve never seen up close before as well as some different angles on some I’ve shot before!  We both took a bunch of photos and really had a great time.  The sky was a perfect dark blue with a few white puffy clouds around.  Later, I went up to Denton to shoot some candid street around the Square, but I’ll save that for a future post!
Cool old tractor in abandoned lawn, just North of town off of Hwy 51.
Old tractor
Large crypt in Greenwood Cemetery.  >>>>>>
Greenwood Cemetary
Wind, Water and Spirits Greenwood Cemetery.  I really like the old metal fencing.
Greenwood Cemetery
<<<<<<  “Wind, Water &Spirits” – Old windmill and rain barrel at Greenwood Cemetery.
Wild Periwinkle
These purple flowers are everywhere right now!
Old barn
Neat old barn just North of town off Hwy 51.
Very old house
Abandoned house just North of town.
Downtown Weatherford
Hilltop view of Greenwood Cemetery and downtown

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