Daily Archives: June 22, 2012

Street Photography on the Denton Square

I went up to Denton Saturday Evening to see some other friends and to do some candid “street” photography up on the Square with my new 40mm Pancake lens.  I tried several “candid” shots where I simply held the camera at my side preset and in autofocus mode and discretely pressed the shutter while sort of looking away so that I could capture people going about their business without noticing that I was taking pictures!  Having never done this before with a dslr, so I wasn’t expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised that nearly all my attempts produced decent captures!  Since the lens is 40mm, good aiming was a challenge, but this also allowed for keeping a safe, non-conspicuous distance from my subjects and for cropping to get the desired scenes.  I really like this lens, it truly is worth every penny I paid for it because of it’s extremely compact size and it captures stunningly sharp images, even when severely cropped, as these people shots are!

In other personal news, I’m going back to Denton this Saturday for the “First Non-annual Idiots’ Hill Runoff Election Victory Party” hosted by my friend Scott.  I’m not much into Denton politics seeing as I haven’t lived there in decades, but I was invited and did grow up on “Idiots’ Hill” (LOL) in Denton.  Apparently a bunch of other people I like to hang out with did too because these parties are always well attended!  I’m also doing another shoot for Now Magazine, wish me luck!

Working the street vvvvvv  Looking down E. Hickory St.  This gal’s oblivious though looking right at me.
Working the street
<<<<<<  Enjoyin’ a sweet treat with a tweeting friend at Beth Marie’s!
Many classic buildings and shops on the South side of the Square.  vvvvvv
Working the street
Girl cycling on Hickory St.  SW corner of the Square toward Locust St.  >>>>>>
Working the street