My So-called Life This Week

I had the pleasure last Sunday of doing the photography for our church’s high-school senior graduation celebrations, and then I spent the rest of the afternoon Sunday developing and cropping them.  I took several different composures of each graduate at the podium and almost all turned out well!  I also did photos at the following luncheon along with their childhood memorabilia displays.

This (background image) is the only decent outdoor photo I took last week.  I was watching “FRINGE” Friday night, when they went to commercial and I happened to glance outside and the sky was all glowing this creepy bright orange after a brief thunderstorm, so I grabbed my camera and went outside and took this out in the front yard.  Very fitting for an evening of “FRINGE” watching!  This week’s season finale was really good, but they didn’t leave us a big cliffhanger, even though they promised us one more season next year!

The good news is that my photo came out in the May issue(pdf) of “Weatherford Now” Magazine and it looked ok to me. They even put a cropped version on page 3!  I then emailed them about payment and asked about future work and they said that they would be using me for more work soon but that I needed to send them an invoice for the payment.  This meant digging up my old invoice boilerplate from my free-wheeling computer consulting days and cleaning it up a bit.  The issue’s cover photo was really good.  It was a beautiful local wildflower scene.  I mentioned it to the editor in my email and she said that another photographer had just happened to shoot it while taking a break and they liked it enough to make the cover with it!  I’m so jealous, lol, so wished I could have done that shot!

I tried last weekend to get some shots of the “super moon”, but there was too much clouds and haze to get any of the moon as it first rose.  I did snag a couple of shots after the moon had risen fifteen degrees or so and peeked out in a small break in the clouds, but they weren’t particularly good.

I’m so bored this weekend.  I was going to go see a friend perform in the musical “Fiddler On The Roof” up in Denton tonight and then hang out with him and some other friends afterwards; but, being the procrastinator that I am, I waited until the last minute to get tickets and low and behold, they sold out.  He was playing the rabbi.  The show is at the old Campus Theater in the square in Denton, a cool old single-screen theater I went to as a child.  I remember the creepy balcony.

<<<<< “Agenda 21 For Dummies“.
me:A must see for anyone concerned about “sustaining” our liberties!

How to speed up your Linux machine.
by Andrew Gregory and Graham Morrison, Tech Radar, May 6, 2012.
me:Done most of this, but still a useful read!

A set of top Computer Science blogs.
by Dr Tom Crick, May 7, 2012.  me:Must read some when I have time!

Add Linux power to wireless routers with advanced tips and tricks for DD-WRT.  by Carla Schroder, IBM DeveloperWorks, May 8, 2012.

Ubuntu 12.04’s Great Flaw: No Hibernation Feature¡
by Christopher Tozzi, The Var Guy, May 4, 2012.  me:Seriously?

by Independent Journal Review, May 10, 2012.
Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra); Thanks Jana W!
Oregon school lands new professional track in exchange for famous waffle iron!
by Cameron Smith, Yahoo Sports, May 11, 2012.
me:This is a cool story about creative financing! Glad they could get their track!

Dell tests open-source laptop for developers.
by Barb Darrow,, May 7, 2012.

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