Busy, Busy, Busy!

What a busy week! I spent last week at my mom’s in preparation to drive the last 100 miles or so to Houston for a weekend business conference at company headquarters. The idea was to avoid flying, or spending most of a work day driving all the way down. I just worked most of the week from her house then drove down early Friday and worked in the office that day. I had a great time meeting several of my co-workers who I communicate with all the time but never had a face to attach with the name! I also got to take a lot of pictures at the main dinner. I drove back today, but now the pbm. is is that it was a very short weekend and promises to be another very busy week. Old West Movie-set?
Old-West looking row of buildings along US 59 between Lufkin and Diboll Texas. This might make a fun movie-set!
The good news is I made it back safe. Yesterday, the weather in Texas was cloudless and in the 60s, today it was completely overcast and raining and 36 degrees for the entire four hour journey. Forecasters were predicting possible ice on the roadways near home, but I decided to chance it. I ended up having 4 degrees to give (before bridges would start icing) the entire way. The snow all went north and east.
Alto, Texas I’ve got so much I want to do these days & so much that i don’t want, but have to do – I don’t think I’ve even recovered from the holidays yet. Now, my mom bought herself a new ‘puter & webcam, & of course, wants me to set it all up “just like her old one” (but faster), so she sent it home w/me (I already have waaaay too many computers around here now!). It came w/M$-Winblows 7, but she’s used to Linux (thx to me, lol) with Xplanet, my weather app. & launch buttons to do everything she does with a computer (check email, surf the web, download / view here digital pictures, and now add Skype). By running Linux, it’s much easier for me to maintain AND much lower maintenance to begin with (no malware threats, defragging, forced upgrades or performance degradation over time, and I can barely get around in Windows anyway)!
This mural is at the four-way stop in Alto, Texas where US 69 and TX 21 intersect. I have gone through here a zillion times since childhood visiting all my East Texas relatives, but this seems to be the 1st time I had a good camera with me.

My poor Aggies ran outta time & got outscored in the Cotton Bowl. I was at the Company dinner during the game, so I missed seeing it. Oh well, still a great season though!

Bits & Bytes:
Configuring PostgreSQL for Pretty Good Performance

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